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Vote Uncommitted NJ Celebrates the Removal of Joseph “Butcher of Gaza” Biden; Demands Democrats End Funding of Israel

Trenton, NJ – Today marks a bittersweet moment in U.S. history. As President Biden formally steps down from running for a second term, Uncommitted New Jersey rejoices. Biden has been nothing short of a mass murderer through his support of the apartheid regime in Israel and its slaughter of Palestinians. Since last October, Biden has done everything the far-right Netanyahu regime wanted, from sending over bombs that devastated entire neighborhoods, to preventing sanctions on the Israeli government as it invades and targets refugee camps, schools, hospitals, and anywhere that Palestinian life persists.

However, Biden’s stepping down doesn’t bring back what is now estimated to be over 186,000 Palestinians who’ve perished since last October from direct Israeli attacks, a serious lack of basic medical care, and starvation. It is our hope that the Biden and Netanyahu administrations will be tried and condemned at the international war tribunals court.

It’s evident that the waves of protests first organized by Palestinians, Arab and Muslim Americans, and our Jewish allies nationwide, as well as the Uncommitted movement, have played a significant role in Biden’s decision to drop out. A significant portion of Democratic voters turned out to express their support for Palestine and their condemnation of the Biden administration’s handling of the so-called war. Such efforts in the Garden State were made possible by a dedicated core of volunteers from the various state chapters of the Democratic Socialists of America, and various other organizations and communities in areas such as Paterson, Jersey City, Edison and New Brunswick.

Our movement will continue to agitate for a complete end of U.S. support for Israel at the DNC. Our struggle is not complete until all ties with Israel have ended and a single-state solution of a secular democratic Palestine is established. As a movement, we are committed to organizing around Palestine in our state to demand local officials commit to Palestinian liberation. If you are interested in fighting for an end to American imperialism, please join us.

Free, free Palestine!