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Uncommitted NJ Launches New “No Votes for Genocide” Campaign

Trenton, NJ — On Labor Day, Uncommitted NJ launched a No Votes for Genocide campaign echoing the call of millions of workers across the U.S. for an end to suffering in Gaza. While Uncommitted NJ is proud of the over 800,000 voters nationwide who formally expressed support for Palestine at the polls, and proud of the work of our Uncommitted delegates at the Democratic National Convention, the Democratic Party continues to ignore its base.

At the DNC, Vice President Kamala Harris explicitly expressed unwavering support for Israel’s genocide, stating “I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself, and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself.” Although she also claimed to be working “around the clock” to win a “hostage deal and a ceasefire deal,” it is unclear how one can be achieved while continuing to supply Israel and its far-right government with weapons of mass slaughter. When Uncommitted delegates and activists made the basic request for a Palestinian to take the stage, as the families of now deceased Hersh Goldberg Polin were allowed to, the DNC denied them, further demonstrating that in their eyes Palestinian lives are not as valuable as those of Israelis.

As new reports continue to place the civilian death toll in Gaza at astronomical heights, the latest citing figures of 92,000 already dead, it is imperative that we use the remaining months leading up to November 5th to leverage our votes against the Democratic Party in exchange for an arms embargo and a permanent ceasefire. If the Democrats want our votes, they must earn them. We can no longer act like a captured electorate, eager to vote for a party committing genocide and killing the relatives and friends of working class people here in the U.S.

The No Votes for Genocide campaign is a nationwide effort calling on voters across the country to pledge to withhold their votes from the Democratic Party at the federal level unless the Biden-Harris administration delivers an arms embargo and permanent ceasefire by October 26th.

We urge all who wish to see a peaceful and free Palestine to please sign the pledge and share it. There will be no blood on our hands, we refuse to be complicit in genocide.

Free, Free Palestine!

For more information about Uncommitted NJ, please visit: uncommittednj.org